B C is a hot health issue that need to be discussed in detail so that the solution can be find out, however up till now there is no way to prevent the cancer but there are different ways through which the risk of cancer can be reduced such as the risk factors can be modified to some extent, but not all factors can be modified as they are natural risk factors and are not in the control of anyone.
Breast Cancer Risk Factors
As mentioned above risk factors are of different types some of the risk factors can be modified while the others can't be modified so here these factors will be discussed in detail.
Age is one of the major risk factors for women to develop this, however every woman is at some risk to develop cancer in breasts but the risk fluctuates due to some reasons at different points of life like the risk is increased for older women as compare to the younger ones.
Breast awareness is equally important fir every woman similarly for the older women so aged women should also be breast aware as they are at higher risk so they must know how they can detect the cancer at initial stage.
Women are recommended to attend the regular sessions of screening in the old age because screening is one of the methods through which the cancer can be detected when the symptoms are not too big to be noticed by other means of examination.
Living as a woman is a risk that can't be controlled by any woman of the world as it is a well known fact that women are at increased risk to develop breast cancer. It can't be neglected that men can also develop breast cancer and now most of the cases in men are being diagnosed so they should also be breast aware.
Family History of Breast Cancer
If a woman has some close relatives with breast cancer her risk is increased 100 % like if the daughter, mother or sister of a woman has had breast cancer she can also develop it any time in life. In case of even distant relatives being diagnosed with the breast cancer the risk becomes higher comparatively.
Personal History of Breast Cancer
Personal history of breast cancer plays a vital role to increase the risk of a woman to be affected by this cancer again; however it is different from recurrence of the cancer as in recurrence the cancer takes place at the same place while in the other condition it takes place in a new part of the breast so a woman once diagnosed and treated is at higher risk for rest of the life so she must take extra care of her breasts more than others as the immunity of her body is also decreased after getting treatment of cancer so to fight the disease is not an easy thing for the patient of a cancer. Knowledge of all these factors is called breast awareness and if a woman knows all these factors she can take care of her breasts effectively.